New Post on Slugger – Review of ‘The Ghost Limb’ by Claire Mitchell

I have reviewed Claire Mitchell’s new book, Ghost Limb: Alternative Protestants and the Spirit of 1798, on the Slugger O’Toole blog. You can read it here.Read more...

Review of Triangle: Three Novellas of Ireland by Pól Ó Muirí, on Slugger

I have a new post on the Slugger O’Toole blog, a review of Triangle: Three Novellas of Ireland by Pól Ó Muirí. 

The review raises questions prompted by the book, such as: What happens in a society when previously dominant … Read more...

Recent posts on Slugger O’Toole: From King Charles III to ‘No Religion’

It has been some time since I posted on this blog. For any faithful followers who still remain, do be aware that I have had several posts on the Slugger O’Toole blog. These include:

Reconciliation: The theme of King Charles’

Religion Media Centre Conversation on Post-Brexit Religious and Political Divide

Earlier this month I took part in a conversation organized by the Religion Media Centre on Northern Ireland’s Post-Brexit Religious and Political Divide.

Moderated by broadcaster William Crawley, the panel included:

  • Dr Eamon Phoenix – political historian and head of

Religion, Spirituality and the Search for Meaning during the Covid-19 Pandemic: New Post on Slugger

I have a new post on the Slugger O’Toole blog, ‘Religion, Spirituality and the Search for Meaning during the Covid-19 Pandemic.’ It draws on a new survey of religious practice during the pandemic, commissioned by the Iona Institute, as well … Read more...

L’Derry Launch of Considering Grace: Response by Bishop Donal McKeown – “Engagement with this book can be a grace-filled opportunity for all of us”


My latest book, Considering Grace: Presbyterians and the Troublesco-authored with Jamie Yohanis, was launched in the City Hotel in Londonderry/Derry on 6 November.

The launch featured a response by the Catholic Bishop of Derry, Donal McKeown. His remarks … Read more...

Being Religious as a Counter Cultural Identity? Irish Times coverage of Belief in the Future

Although I am tardy in recognising it on this blog, the Irish Times covered the Irish Association conference that I participated in earlier this month at the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin, ‘Belief in the Future’.

Columnist Breda O’Brien featured …

Belief in the Future – Irish Association Conference 2 July in Dublin

I’ll be taking part in a half-day conference, ‘Belief in the Future: Religion and Changing Identity’, on Tuesday 2 July at the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin. I’ll be making the opening presentation, providing a snapshot of the island’s current … Read more...

Secularisation, Ecumenism and Identity on the Island of Ireland – Available Now on Open Access

An article I wrote on ‘Secularisation, Ecumenism and Identity on the Island of Ireland,’ which was published in an edited collection, Christianity and National Identity in Twentieth-Century Europe (Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2016), has now been made freely available via open … Read more...

Church Times Features ‘Transforming Post-Catholic Ireland’

A Church Times article on ‘A “new covenant” in Ireland’ draws extensively on my latest book, Transforming Post-Catholic Ireland (Oxford 2016).

Journalist Madeleine Davies analyses the changes in the Catholic Church in Ireland in recent decades, setting them in the … Read more...