Religion & the University Experience in Britain and Northern Ireland with Mathew Guest and me …

On Thursday 9 March the Queen’s Religious Studies Forum hosted an event on Religion and the University Experience: Perspectives from Britain & Northern Ireland, featuring Prof Mathew Guest (Durham) and me.

You can listen to the audio of our contributions … Read more...

Introduction to the Roundtable on the Special Issue of ‘Religions’ on Religious Conflict and Peacebuilding

On 7 April, Queen’s University Belfast’s Religious Studies Forum hosted a roundtable discussion of a special issue of Religions on ‘Religious Conflict and Peacebuilding’, co-edited by Joram Tarusarira me.

All articles in the special issue are open access, and you Read more...

Read the Signs: Detecting Early Warning Signals of Interreligious Conflict by Peter Ochs et al published in Special Issue

Another article has been published in our special issue of the journal Religions on ‘Religious Conflict and Peacebuilding: Advances in the Field’ by Peter Ochs, Essam Fahim, and Paola Pinzon from the University of Virginia. Ochs is the Edgar M. … Read more...

Fr Charlie Burrows: ‘To be good news for those in need’ – Success for the Oblates’ Maritime Academy in Cilacap

Last week I blogged about the 5oth Jubilee of Irish priest Fr Charlie Burrows.

Among his many projects in Cilacap, Fr Burrows has been involved with the Oblates Maritime Academy in Cilacap. This Academy was recently recognized as  First of … Read more...

Fr Charlie Burrows’ 50th Jubilee – Celebrations for Irish priest attract thousands of Muslims and Christians

Readers may remember I have written a few blog posts about the remarkable witness of Fr Charlie Burrows, an Irish missionary of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate serving in Cilacap, Indonesia.

My very first post about Fr Burrows was after … Read more...

Kairos Ireland Workshop on Israeli Occupation – 16 Sept in Belfast

Kairos Ireland have organised a workshop, ‘Countering the Normalisation of the Israeli Occupation in the Eyes of the World’ on Monday 16 September at 7 pm in Belfast, at a venue to be confirmed.

The workshop features a panel of …

Being Religious as a Counter Cultural Identity? Irish Times coverage of Belief in the Future

Although I am tardy in recognising it on this blog, the Irish Times covered the Irish Association conference that I participated in earlier this month at the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin, ‘Belief in the Future’.

Columnist Breda O’Brien featured …

Belief in the Future – Irish Association Conference 2 July in Dublin

I’ll be taking part in a half-day conference, ‘Belief in the Future: Religion and Changing Identity’, on Tuesday 2 July at the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin. I’ll be making the opening presentation, providing a snapshot of the island’s current … Read more...

‘There is an instinct for peace and right relationships inside of every one of us’ – Fr Gerry Reynolds on the Unity Pilgrims

Redemptorist Communications have recently re-posted two videos of the late Fr Gerry Reynolds, which were recorded by Matt Howard of the Australian Province.

In one, Fr Gerry speaks about the Unity Pilgrims initiative. His words  include the hopeful assertion that … Read more...

Launch of ‘That Justice and Peace might Embrace’ – a call for solidarity with Palestinian Christians, 29 November

‘That Justice and Peace might Embrace’ – a document that calls for solidarity with Palestinian Christians -will be launched on Thursday 29 November at 7 pm in the Duncairn Cultural and Community Centre, 174 Antrim Road.

‘That Justice and Peace …

How about a Great Green Wall? Fr Patrick Devine and the Shalom Center: Living out the ‘Church Without Walls’ in Africa

While walls of all sorts have been making headlines lately, there’s one that hasn’t gotten quite as much publicity – but has the potential to transform life in Africa.

Fr Patrick Devine, a priest in the Society of African Missions … Read more...