Religion & the University Experience in Britain and Northern Ireland with Mathew Guest and me …

On Thursday 9 March the Queen’s Religious Studies Forum hosted an event on Religion and the University Experience: Perspectives from Britain & Northern Ireland, featuring Prof Mathew Guest (Durham) and me.

You can listen to the audio of our contributions … Read more...

Online Launch 27 January: The Oxford Handbook of Religion & Europe

The new Oxford Handbook of Religion and Europe (2022), edited by Grace Davie and Lucian Leustean, will be launched online on 27 January at 4 pm (GMT) from Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs.

You can

Christian modernities in Britain and Ireland in the twentieth century: Article on the Journalism of Fr Gerry Reynolds published in Contemporary British History

My article on ‘Clerical modernisers and the media in Ireland: the journalism of Fr Gerry Reynolds’, has been published in a special issue of the academic journal Contemporary British History on ‘Christian modernities in Britain and Ireland in the Read more...

How has your religious practice changed during the pandemic?: Take the ‘Ritual Innovation Under Covid-19’ Survey

How has your religious practice changed during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Researchers at Manchester Metropolitan University want to hear from people of all faiths – including leaders and laity  – about what religious practice has been like, especially given the rapid … Read more...

Religion, Spirituality and the Search for Meaning during the Covid-19 Pandemic: New Post on Slugger

I have a new post on the Slugger O’Toole blog, ‘Religion, Spirituality and the Search for Meaning during the Covid-19 Pandemic.’ It draws on a new survey of religious practice during the pandemic, commissioned by the Iona Institute, as well … Read more...

Reflections on a ‘Church without Walls’

Yesterday I took part in  a Premier Christian Media ‘Digital Church’ webinar on ‘A Church without Walls’, alongside Revd Albert Bogle, Sanctuary First, Falkirk Presbytery; Revd Andy Fishburne, SThie, Isle of Mann; and Revd Laura Digan, Minister, Church of Scotland.… Read more...

Join us for a ‘Church without Walls’ Webinar, Wednesday 23 September

I’ll be taking part in a Premier Christian Media ‘Digital Church’ webinar on ‘A Church without Walls’ this Wednesday, 23 September, 3.30-5.00 pm Irish/British time. Here’s the description of the webinar:

Decades ago, the Church in Scotland proposed a new


Covid-19: Recent Discussions on Sunday Sequence

I have participated in two recent discussions on Covid-19 on BBC Radio Ulster’s Sunday Sequence.

Sunday 5 April the topic was ‘Learning survival today from the lessons of the past’. Other discussants were consultant physician and clinical lecturer Michael Trimble, … Read more...

The Apocalypse for Religion – at Peter Rollins’ Wake Festival

Today I had the privilege of participating in Wake, an annual boutique festival in Belfast, which is curated by Peter Rollins. It’s always a treat to catch up on Pete’s latest work, and to meet the people who come … Read more...

Listen to Prof John Brewer on Theology and Sociology

I posted last week about an event that was to take place in the Queen’s University Religious Studies Forum, a lecture by Prof John Brewer on Theology and Sociology. I’ve just received a comment on my post from ‘a … Read more...

Review of The Deconstructed Church in Church History by Randall Reed – ‘a masterful explanation of a potentially important movement’

The Deconstructed Church: Understanding Emerging Christianity (Oxford University Press), my 2014 book co-authored with Gerardo Marti, has been reviewed in Church History (March 2017) by Dr Randall Reed, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Appalachian State University.

Gerardo …