In my day job, I am a Professor in the Sociology of Religion at Queen’s University Belfast. My main areas of research are the Northern Ireland conflict, evangelicalism, Christianity in Ireland, the emerging church, and religion in societies emerging from COVID-19.
I think that academic research should reach beyond the walls of the university and I hope that this blog can play some small part in disseminating the work that goes on in my school and in other universities.
I consider myself a Christian. I’m from an independent, evangelical Baptist background in Maine, USA, but have attended a variety of Protestant and (since my marriage to a Catholic) Catholic churches. I’ve lived on the island of Ireland since 1999 and in Belfast, Northern Ireland, since 2006.
Please note this is my personal site. All views are my own and are not representative of Queen’s.
Dear Gladys, I recently listened to your piece on Radio 1, ‘The Leap of Faith’ Something other than a building. I found your insights and findings carried a message of hope for the possibilities of greater renewal! I was really moved by the comment ‘People still need us’ from a priest. Glayds do you currently have an article on your findings?
Sincere appreciation
kaitlin O’ Brien
MA student in Applied Spirituality.
You can find the full report here:
As well as this article: