Tribute to Professor John Brewer

On Wednesday, Queen’s University hosted an event marking the retirement of Professor John Brewer. John has had a tremendous impact on international scholarship, as well as on my own personal career. (It appears John will have an active ‘retirement’, as … Read more...

The Churches & Peacebuilding: Past, Present and Future

On Tuesday 18 April I participated in a panel on ‘Peacebuilding’ at Queen’s University’s Agreement25 Conference.

You can read the full text of my remarks here.

Image from Clonard Reconciliation ministry, including Fr Alec Reid and Fr Gerry Reynolds… Read more...

The 4 Corners Festival & the Unfinished Work of Peace: Irish Council of Churches AGM

Last week (31 March) I took part in a panel discussion at the Irish Council of Churches 99th Annual General Meeting at Skainos in East Belfast. The theme of the AGM was ‘The Unfinished Work of Peace’. Church of Ireland … Read more...

How Should we Remember Seamus Mallon? New Post on Slugger

I have a new post on the Slugger O’Toole blog, ‘How should we remember Seamus Mallon? Together – in a Spirit of Christian Love and Forgiveness …’Read more...

Running as a Spiritual Place – My Contribution on Sunday Sequence

Yesterday I was a guest on BBC Radio Ulster’s Sunday Sequence, in their new segment on spiritual places.

I spoke with host Elaine McGee about how for me running is a ‘spiritual place’, touching on the difference between training runs … Read more...

The Churches and Brexit on German Radio

I contributed to a programme on German public broadcaster NDR titled, ‘Brexit: Europe Worries about Northern Ireland.’ The programme was produced by the ‘Evangelische Kirche im NDR’, an office of the Protestant churches in Northern Germany. My contribution focused on … Read more...

The Essence of Forgiveness & the 4 Corners Festival: Conversation on Sunday Sequence

It’s the first day of the annual 4 Corners Festival. This year’s Festival theme is ‘Scandalous Forgiveness.’ On Sunday, I was part of a conversation on ‘The Essence of Forgiveness’ on BBC Radio Ulster’s Sunday Sequence.

Rev David Clements, …

Richard Moore on Forgiveness and the Launch of the 4 Corners Festival: New Post on Slugger O’Toole

I have a new post on the Slugger O’Toole blog, ‘Richard Moore on Forgiveness and the Launch of the 2019 4 Corners Festival.’ 

The Festival runs 30 Jan-10 Feb and the full programme can be found here.Read more...

Fr Gerry Reynolds’ Anniversary & his 1994 Sermon on Forgiveness after the Ceasefires: New Post on Slugger

I have a new post on the Slugger O’Toole blog: Fr Gerry Reynolds’ Anniversary and his 1994 Sermon on Forgiveness after the Ceasefires.

The sermon is produced in full and linked to the theme of the 2019 4 Corners Festival, Read more...

How Churches are Missing their Opportunity – New Post on the Conversation

There is a new post on the Conversation, written by Prof John Brewer and me, ‘How Churches are Missing their Opportunity to help build Peace in Northern Ireland.’

The reflections are framed around tomorrow’s 20th anniversary of the Good Friday … Read more...

Blessed are the Peacemakers – New Post on Slugger O’Toole

I have a new post on the Slugger O’Toole blog about the Blessed are the Peacemakers event at the 4 Corners Festival, ‘On behalf of churches, let me say sorry for the times we said to victims, “you must forgive.”’ Read more...