Evangelical Journeys: Choice and Change in a Northern Irish Religious Subculture, co-authored with Claire Mitchell

This book, co-authored with Dr Claire Mitchell, was published by UCD Press in 2011. It draws on interview material with more than 100 evangelicals. We ask why do people born into the same religious community turn out so differently? We tell the stories of pro-life DUP picketers, liberal peace-campaigning ministers, housewives afraid of the devil, students deconstructing their faith and atheists mortified by their religious past. We explore why people have chosen to go in one religious direction or another, and how their religious journeys have unfolded.

A review of the book in the academic journal Sociology, by Brutus Green

A review of the book in the academic journal Journal of Contemporary Religion, by Neil Southern

A review of the book in the academic journal Irish Journal of Sociology, by Mary Gethins

A review of the book in the academic journal Evangelical Quarterly, by Patrick Mitchel.

A review of the book in the academic journal Sociology of Religion, by Kevin McElmurry

Click here to access remarks by Glenn Jordan at the launch of the book at East Belfast Mission in 2011.

Click here to access remarks by Dr Patrick Mitchel and the launch of the book at the Irish School of Ecumenics in Dublin in 2012

A review of the book by ‘Alan in Belfast’ on the Slugger O’Toole blog

An interview about the book on BBC Radio Ulster’s Sunday Sequence

A review of the book from the Church of Ireland Gazette

You can order the book on the UCD Press Website