‘Well worth engaging with’: Familia Review of ‘Considering Grace’

I have just become aware of a review of my book, co-authored with Jamie Yohanis, Considering Grace: Presbyterians and the Troubles, in Familia, Ulster Genealogical Review, a publication of the Ulster Historical Foundation.

David Steers’s review begins with the wonderfully sardonic lines:

The origins of this book lie in a research project of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland which was itself derived from a statement issued by the General Assembly after its meeting in 2016. That might sound like an unpromising starting point for a book …

Steers continues:

… but Considering Grace is well worth engaging with, particularly for those who want to understand and participate in peacemaking in Ireland and for those, both inside and outside the denomination, who want to understand more about the theological make-up of Presbyterians, particularly in relation to the legacy of the Troubles.

Steers’s review includes a number of examples of the diverse perspectives of Presbyterians outlined in the book, noting that many spoke about the malign influence of Ian Paisley’s challenge to Presbyterianism.

Steers also writes:

… this examination of Presbyterian thought, theology, and response to the Troubles is all the more valuable for giving voice to such a significant yet frequently overlooked or misunderstood faith tradition.

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