New Post on Slugger – Review of ‘The Ghost Limb’ by Claire Mitchell

I have reviewed Claire Mitchell’s new book, Ghost Limb: Alternative Protestants and the Spirit of 1798, on the Slugger O’Toole blog. You can read it here.Read more...

Can there be Peace? The Troubles and Faith Leaders in Northern Ireland – Roundtable in Lowell, Mass

On Tuesday I participated in a roundtable on, ‘Can there be Peace? Faith Leaders and Healing after Violent Conflict’, sponsored by the Office of the Provost at the University of Massachusetts in Lowell.

The event was attended by members of …

New Post on Slugger: Review of ‘Beauty through Broken Windows’

I have a new post on the Slugger O’Toole blog, a review of a new book called ‘Beauty through Broken Windows’, published on Sunday, the World Day of the Poor.

The book is inspired by the legacy of Edmund Rice, … Read more...

Churches as Sources of Hope in a Society Emerging from Covid-19

Last month, I was guest speaker at a conference on ‘The Importance of Hope’, organised by ‘Flourish’, a ministry of Lighthouse in Belfast.

Drawing on my research on religion during the pandemic, I spoke on ‘Something Other than a Building: … Read more...

Divine Discomfort: A Relational Encounter with Multi-Generational and Multi-Layered Trauma by Christo Thesnaar published in Special Issue of Religions

The first article by a theologian has been published in the (interdisciplinary) special issue of the open-access journal Religions on ‘Religious Conflict and Peacebuilding: Advances in the Field’, co-edited by Joram Tarusarira and me. 

Divine Discomfort: A Relational Encounter with

Kindness – Our Big Idea: My Thought for the Day on BBC Radio Ulster

My Thought for the Day on BBC Radio Ulster considers kindness and grace, from the perspective of a parent with an energetic child.

You can listen here, or read below:

Kindness – Our Big Idea

Churchgoers have been gathering …

New Post on Slugger O’Toole: Reflecting on the Church Leaders’ St Patrick’s Day Confession

I have a new post on the Slugger O’Toole blog, ‘Reflecting on the Church Leaders’ St Patrick’s Day Confession’. Is this the churches’ most comprehensive confession ever for their historic contributions to division and violence?


Rev Ivan Patterson’s Reflections on ‘People Still Need Us’ for Care4Clergy

Rev Dr Ivan Patterson, President of the Irish Council of Churches, recently offered some reflections for the ‘Care4Clergy’ group based on research published in my report on churches during the pandemic, ‘People Still Need Us.’

Patterson’s reflections were posted on …

Clare FM Interview: The Pandemic’s Effects on Churches

I was interviewed about my research on churches during the pandemic on Clare FM’s Beyond Belief programme, which was presented by Stephen Fletcher and aired last night.

We cover a number of topics featured in my reports on my research, … Read more...

Church during Coronavirus Survey: Have Your Say

Researchers at Mater Dei Centre for Catholic Education, Dublin City University and York St John University in the UK are conducting a second survey on religious practice during the pandemic: ‘Covid-19 and Church-21’.

Ordained clergy and laity from all denominations …