The former Catholic primate of Ireland, Cardinal Cahal Daly, died yesterday at the age of 92. On the eve of what promises to be yet another difficult year for the Irish Catholic Church, Cardinal Daly’s death seems to have created … Read more...
New Monasticism Comes to Ireland: Dublin Event with Douglas Burton Christie, 16 January 2010
If old forms of Christianity in Ireland are passing away, there are new expressions of this ancient faith emerging throughout the island. One of these expressions, ‘new monasticism,’ will be explored in a one-day conference in Dublin on 16 January … Read more...
Terror in the Skies & Richard English Book Review: Terrorism – How to Respond
The story of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab and his plot to bring terror to the American skies has been playing out over this Christmas period. Almost daily revelations of failures to communicate intelligence information, not to mention the apparent ease with … Read more...
Contemplating Ireland’s Apathy: Do Irish Citizens Want a Say in their Future?
There is a stunning lack of accountability in Ireland. It doesn’t have to be that way. Writing in today’s Irish Times, columnist Elaine Byrne recounts how an indignant and industrious Icelandic citizenry has peacefully and effectively achieved meaningful political change … Read more...
Iris Robinson Retirement: Depression, Family Dynasties, Gay Rights and the Battle for Northern Ireland’s Moral Soul
The DUP’s first lady, Iris Robinson, unexpectedly announced her retirement today. Mrs Robinson, a councillor, MLA and MP as well as the wife of DUP leader and Northern Ireland First Minister Peter Robinson, cited depression as the reason for … Read more...
Peter Rollins Book Review, The Orthodox Heretic: Reading ‘Impossible Tales’ at Christmas
At the centre of many Christians’ conceptions of Christmas is a story about how Jesus’ birth came to pass. The gospel writers supply different stories about Jesus’ birth and its significance – for instance, Luke emphasises Jesus’ humble origins and … Read more...
A Victim of Clerical Sex Abuse Speaks Out
In all of Ireland’s current sex abuse scandals, it seems the perspectives of the victims keep getting lost as we focus on the bishops of the Irish Catholic Church, or on abusers like Liam Adams.
Today an anonymous victim of …
Priest Tells Congregation to Shoplift
Shoplifting is a Christian option. So says Fr Tim Jones of St Lawrence and St Hilda Parish in York, who advised the poor members of his congregation to steal from large national businesses if they were desperate in the run-up … Read more...
The Religious Education Debate: Does Religion Need the State?
Terror and wonder. Religious education has the power to instil such emotions in the young. Recent revelations have exposed the physical and sexual abuse that was rampant in many of the state-run, church-controlled churches on this island. On the other … Read more...
Tyrone Football Manager Mickey Harte Book Review: Presence is the Only Thing
I don’t consider myself a fan of the GAA, having grown up in a part of the United States where awareness of Gaelic Games is non-existent. But I’m deeply intrigued by the relationship between spirituality and sporting excellence, so the … Read more...
Gerry Adams’ Niece Abuse Case: Acknowledgement for Victims
Last night’s UTV Insight special painted in disturbing detail the ordeal of Aine Tyrell, niece of Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams. Tyrell was sexually abused for eight years by her father (Gerry Adams’ brother), Liam, during the height of Northern … Read more...