Unity Pilgrim: The Life of Fr Gerry Reynolds CSsR – Launches and Discussion (22 & 27 May, 2 June)

Over the last four years, I often have been approached by people wanting to tell me a story about Fr Gerry Reynolds (1935-2015). Word had gotten around that I was writing his biography, so somehow people felt compelled to convey to me how much Fr Gerry meant to them.

All those stories didn’t make it into my book, though every one gave some insight into the man and helped me on my task. They also convinced me even more that Fr Gerry’s life story was one worth telling. So I’m excited to announce that Unity Pilgrim: The Life of Fr Gerry Reynolds CSsR, has made its way off the printing press and is available from Redemptorist Communications (€13.95). It also can be purchased at two upcoming launch events and a public discussion. Sales of the book benefit the Redemptorists’ peace mission.

The Irish News has already published an interview with me that reveals some of the book’s highlights.

The first launch is Wednesday 22 May at 7.15 pm at Clonard Monastery in Belfast, where Rev Ken Newell will be the speaker. Ken, minister Emeritus at Fitzroy Presbyterian and a former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, enjoyed a decades-long friendship with Gerry. Indeed, it was Ken who asked me to write Gerry’s story – and, more crucially – convinced Gerry that this would be a good idea.

The second launch is Monday 27 May, after the 7.15 pm Mass at Mount St Alphonsus in Limerick City, which is just a few miles from where Gerry grew up. Gerry also served as rector of Mount St Alphonsus between 1975-1978. The speaker is Ed Petersen, who worked with Gerry many years on Clonard’s peace and reconciliation mission.

On Sunday 2 June at 7.00 pm I will discuss the book at Fitzroy Presbyterian Church, moderated by Rev Steve Stockman.

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